Welcome to the One Year Change campaign form. Please fill in all the information completely.Choose Which Process You Are In *Please select an option10 days1. End of Month3. End of Month6. End of MonthEnd of 1 Year1. Sample shooting style for your photo2. Sample shooting style for your photo3. Sample shooting style for your photo1. Upload Your Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file2. Upload Your Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file3. Upload Your Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file4. Sample shooting style for your photo5. Sample shooting style for your photo6. Sample shooting style for your photo4. Upload Your Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file5. Upload Your Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file6. Upload Your Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file Take care to shoot your video in an average of 30 seconds and in detail. Upload your video from this link: Click to upload After uploading you need to paste the link in the box below. Sample VideoEnd of process comments you want to add:Submit Form