Do Hair Transplants Work?

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Do Hair Transplants Work?

Hair plays a very important role in people’s appearance, image and perception by others. Hair loss is an unpleasant condition that can occur in many men and women and has different causes. People with hair loss are generally dissatisfied with their appearance and begin to experience difficulties in self-confidence. Well, is there a remedy for hair loss? At this point, does hair transplantation work? (do hair transplants work?) Let’s look at the answers to these questions together.

While it may be possible to prevent hair loss in some cases, it may not be possible to prevent hair loss due to genetic etc. reasons. At this point, questions such as whether hair transplantation works (do hair transplants work?) or not; whether it is worth having the procedure or not; whether hair transplantation works for male pattern baldness (does hair transplant work for male pattern baldness?), whether it will return to its former state if I have hair transplantation.

First of all, you should know that; hair transplantation is generally permanent in men. As long as there is no discomfort, drug use, etc. When you have hair transplantation, you will regain your natural appearance and live happily for many years. In women, the situation is a little different and we will address this issue in the following lines.

Hair Transplant Types

In order to predict whether hair transplantation will work or not, it is necessary to know the types of hair loss and hair transplantation methods. For problems such as genetic hair loss, male pattern hair loss, thinning and thinning hair, etc., a road map should be drawn according to the person. Because hair transplantation; It varies according to the type of hair loss, the cause and the preferences of the person who will have transplantation and the doctor who will perform the transplantation. In order to give a clear answer to the question “Do hair transplants work?, it is necessary to see the person who will undergo hair transplantation and listen to his/her story. Although there are several different types of hair transplantation methods, fue is the most commonly used and has the highest satisfaction rate.

What is Fue Technique, Does Fue Hair Transplant Work? (does fue hair transplant work?)

 Fue technique is the process of transplanting hair follicles taken from a hairy part of the head or another part of the body to the area where hair loss occurs. “Does fue hair transplant work?” (does fue hair transplant work?) is one of the most curious questions of people experiencing hair loss. People who face a situation such as hair sparseness or complete baldness seek answers to many questions such as does hair transplants work or not; how the process works, with which technique should I have a transplant.

Fue Technique is a painless and easy procedure performed under local anaesthesia. Do not be misled by the ease of the procedure; the results greatly change the previous state of the person and greatly improve the quality of life. The hair transplantation procedure takes a few hours and the person is discharged on the same day. The answer to the question “does fue hair transplant work?” is evident in the photos of people who have had the procedure before.

If you are also suffering from hair loss, if having an appearance over your age has started to bother you a lot; you can contact us immediately and make an appointment. If you want, you can also have Eyebrow Transplantation and renew your appearance from the beginning.

Does Fut Hair Transplant Work? (does fut hair transplant work)

 People who have baldness problem as a result of hair loss can evaluate the hair transplantation techniques applied today. One of the hair transplantation methods with many options is the fut technique. Fut hair transplantation; in other words, hair transplantation with strip method is a method that has some disadvantages compared to fue technique. So, does fut hair transplant work? (does fut hair transplant work?) or what are the main differences that distinguish the fut technique from other hair transplant techniques? One of the main answers to the question is the negativities that can be experienced medically. One thousand five hundred hair follicles are taken from the nape root with the fut technique. The most basic feature of the hair follicles taken from here is that they do not fall out. In other words, there is no possibility of hair loss in the area where the hair transplantation is performed.

What Problems Will I Experience If I Have Hair Transplantation With Fut Technique?

 Do fut hair transplants work? (does fut hair transplant work?) We recommend that you first ask yourself about the risks you may encounter. One of the possible disadvantages is that the thin skin layer in the form of a strip is removed from the nape of the neck, resulting in a stitching situation. This is one of the main problems that prevents the Fut technique from being preferred. There is also a risk of infection or delays in healing. Although this hair transplantation technique offers a definite result, it may cause negativities in the nerve structures and capillary blood vessels of the patients receiving service. For example, there is no such problem in the application of the fue technique. With the opportunities offered by the developing technology in the field of medicine, hair transplantation with fut technique is not frequently preferred. Although it gives confidence that it offers precise results, its disadvantages should also be taken into consideration.

What are the Positive Aspects of Hair Transplantation with Fut Technique?

 The positive answer to your question “does fut hairtransplant work?” is that a large number of hair follicles can be transferred in a short time and with a single procedure. Moreover, the follicles taken with the fut technique have the advantage of not falling out. In this respect, it is a very attractive opportunity to have hair follicles that do not fall out without spending a long time.

What is Male Pattern Baldness, Does Hair Transplant Work for Male Pattern Baldness? (does hair transplant work for male pattern baldness?)

 As the causes of hair loss can be different, the types of hair loss are also different from each other. The most common type is male pattern baldness, which is mostly caused by genetic reasons and hair loss starting from the top of the head. Male pattern baldness is not exclusive to men, but can also be seen in women from time to time. Sometimes baldness can be experienced at a very early age. Hair loss can last for years piece by piece. At this point, we hope that the following information will be useful for those who do not know at what stage to have hair transplantation.

Should I Have Hair Transplantation While My Hair Continues to Fall Out?

 It may seem like a wasted effort to transplant hair while hair loss continues, but this is not the case. The younger and healthier your hair follicles are, the healthier they will continue to grow in the transplanted area. Having hair transplantation before your hair falls out completely will mean that your problem will be solved without getting worse visually and psychologically.

Does hair transplant work for women? (does hair transplant work for women)

Many people have sought different solutions to prevent their hair from falling out more than normal. By being exposed to the advertisements of such solutions, they wanted to get good results by applying shampoos, hair care oils and herbal solutions. Excessive hair loss affects women even more deeply. Every person cares about their appearance, but women are much more sensitive than men in this regard. If you have spent a long labour and money to regain your hair, you may have another option in mind; hair transplantation. So, does hair transplant work for women? (does hair transplant work for women) As a result of today’s technology and developments in medicine, there are various hair transplantation techniques. Hair transplantation applied in men with known techniques is also applied in women. Only the transplantation process is different. Women’s hair loss or the structure of hair follicles is different from men. While men have a very high rate of encountering a problem such as baldness as a result of excessive hair loss, baldness is not seen in women. Hair loss, which usually results in hair thinning, affects women very negatively in terms of appearance. This situation not only negatively affects the physical appearance, but can also cause mental depression.

Is Your Hair Falling Despite All Your Efforts?

 Women are very sensitive to take care of personal care. However, genetic codes or environmental factors can also deprive women of full and strong hair. The thinning of your hair, which is one of the most important elements of physical appearance, or its loss in a way that creates gaps in places may be bothering you. If you cannot regain your hair despite all the methods you have tried, hair transplantation may be a permanent solution for you. Like everyone else, you want the service you receive to give the result you expect. The success rate of hair transplantation in women is lower than in men. Wherever you are in the world, you can evaluate the Online Consultation opportunity about the service you will receive.

Does hair transplant work for everyone? (does hair transplant work for everyone)

 Baldness is seen in men as a result of excessive hair loss. Although baldness is not seen in women, hair thinning is in question. People who are negatively affected by this situation can regain a healthy hair structure by hair transplantation. People who are considering hair transplantation can ask themselves the following question; Does hair transplant work for everyone? (does hair transplant work for everyone) Before answering this question, am I among the people who cannot have hair transplantation? Who cannot have hair transplantation? It is a priority to ask the questions. Unfortunately, people with chronic or infectious diseases cannot benefit from hair transplantation. There is also an age limit in hair transplantation.

Generally, doctors do not recommend this operation to people under the age of twenty-five. If your hair has fallen out due to any discomfort and you are at risk of baldness, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor about hair transplantation. For example, hair follicles transplanted with the fue technique do not have the risk of hair loss in men. This technique, which is realised by transferring your own hair follicles to the baldness area, is a very useful method especially for men. The satisfaction rate of people who have hair transplantation is quite high. Hair transplantation has been shown to be more useful than the methods you have tried so far according to statistics. With our expert team, you can access the Before / After information of the hair transplantation operation of the customers who have hair transplantation with the advanced possibilities of medicine from beginning to end. The guarantee that you will get the value of the time and money you spend for hair transplantation and that you will leave our clinic with satisfaction is the before and after hair transplantation of the people we have served so far. Every investment you make for your body is an investment in your psychology and self-confidence. These are the elements that open the door to a happy and successful life. It is not a remote possibility to have healthy and strong hair with developing medicine.

How is the Process Progressing?

 You can get answers to all your questions about hair transplantation from our consultants in our clinic. We offer a very luxurious and cosy Accomodation for your comfort and satisfaction when you come for hair transplantation.

We ensure that your process passes in the healthiest way by informing you about the issues you should pay attention to before and after the procedure.

During the process, we do our best to achieve the best result with our experienced experts and professional service quality.

Again, we follow the healing status after the procedure and keep in touch with you about the developments. By taking the necessary precautions for a quick and painless healing of the area where the procedure was performed, we accelerate your new life with your healthy hair.

Moreover, we offer you the opportunity to turn the time you allocate for hair transplant operation into a pleasant trip for you. Would you like to turn your waiting time into exploring Istanbul, one of the most beautiful cities in the world? We care about you and your health. In addition to providing the best service, we want you to have beautiful experiences. You can visit our website to get information about Istanbul Tour.

Contact us and get much more detailed information!

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